When you hear "pie," do you think of a tall triangle slice of Apple Pie being handed to you by a 40-something Diner waitress? I mean, that's nice, buuuuuut... there's a whole world of savory Balkan pies that make life worth living. There are so many types of pie that are categorized by method, ingredients, even where it's cooked (oven, stove top, saç). The names vary by region and dialect vastly - which is why I asked you all what to call this easy pie. Here are some of the names: kallamojt, kungullor, lakror, laknur, leçenik, leqenik, proja pogaç. After some research, I discovered, you're all right! This type of dump-it-in-a-bowl-and-bake-it savory pie is called all of the above depending on where you're from. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" is a famous line from Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, I don't think Skakespeare or that 40-something Diner waitress ever tried this Zucchini Feta Pie. It should read, "A pie by any other name would smell as delicious." No matter what you call it, you'll be in love with this dish.

The zucchini makes it light tasting, it's tangy from the feta and fragrant from the scallions and herbs. Enjoy this quick, versatile dish any time of day... with a cup of tea, bowl of yogurt, on a plate piled high with barbeque sides, as a light lunch, or just to impress your in-laws. Call it whatever you want! Eat it whenever you want!

Zucchini & Feta Pie


1 c flour
1 1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 small or 1 medium zucchini (thinly sliced, unpeeled)
1 bunch of scallions (chopped)
1/4 c parsley (chopped)
1/4 c dill (chopped)
1/2 c crumbled feta
2 eggs
1/3 c oil
1/3 c yogurt


  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Grease your pan. A rectangular 9"x13" pan or 12" round is great for a thin pie. For a thicker pie, try an 8"x11" pan.

  • Prepare vegetables and herbs. Slice zucchini using a mandolin for uniformly thin slices. If not, a knife and steady hand will do the job. The scallions, parsley and dill need a quick chop.

  • In a large bowl whisk together flour, salt and baking powder.

  • Toss vegetables and herbs into dry mixture. Shake to coat with flour.

  • Crumble in cheese.

  • Add eggs, oil and yogurt to the mix. Using a spatula, gently combine ingredients until there are no dry lumps of flour. You should have a thick sticky dough.

  • Transfer dough into greased pan with the help of your spatula. Spread the dough into an even layer.

  • Bake at 450 degrees for 20-25 minutes until the top is golden brown.

  • Delicious warm from the oven or at room temperature. Enjoy!

Ajde, let’s eat! Tag me on IG if you try it @balkanbasics




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