gulash, goulash, gulaş, gulaš

Tender chunks of beef slow simmered in silky gravy. Uncomplicated and hearty, Gulash is a classic for a reason. Time invested in slow cooking is just as important as the ingredients to give the dish it’s signature thick sauce, so don’t rush!

Gulash originated in 9th century Hungary and is popular throughout central Europe and the Balkans. A Google search will show you endless versions of this dish but I’m a purist: meat and onion flavor are the stars. A classic flavor combination that pairs well with a humble loaf of bread, rice, mashed potatoes, polenta, or noodles.

My kids think it’s funny to say “gooooo-lassshh” but they’re seriously excited when I say bujrum to the table.



2 lb beef cubes (any cut of stew meat)

3 tbsp butter or oil

1 large onion (finely chopped or pureed in food processor)

1 clove garlic (optional)

1 tbsp tomato paste

2 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp vegeta

3/4 tsp salt

1/8 tsp ground black pepper

2 cups warm water

2 bay leaves

1 tbsp flour

2 tbsp cold water


•In a large pot, heat beef cubes in oil over medium heat, about 10 minutes. The meat will release and reabsorb it’s own liquid. It’s important to keep stirring so all sides of the meat evenly.

•Either finely chop onions and garlic OR pulse them in a food processor. Add a tablespoon of water to the food processor to help the onions along. The finer the onion, the smoother look and texture of the finished gulash gravy. (Picky eaters will appreciate the smooth gravy!)

•Add onions, garlic, tomato paste, paprika, vegeta, salt and pepper to pot. Continue stirring until the onions are fragrant and cook down slightly, 8-10 minutes.

•Add warm water and bay leaves to pot. Adding cold liquid will shock the meat and result in tougher texture. The water MUST be warm to maintain the right temperature for tender meat.

•Cover and gently simmer on low heat for 2 hours. Do not stir, let it be! This is the time to catch up on your favorite show, just don’t forget to set a timer.

•After 2 hours, remove and discard bay leaves.

•To thicken the gravy: in a small bowl, whisk together 1 tbsp flour and 2 tbsp cold water until smooth. Add into the pot over a strainer to catch any lumps. Discard solids from strainer. Gently stir to distribute the slurry. Then simmer covered on low for an additional 10 minutes to allow the gravy to thicken.


*Gluten Free/ Wheat Allergy: Skip the flour in the last step. The flour In the thickening slurry can be substituted with 1/2 tbsp cornstarch and 2 tbsp water.

*Grain Free: Skip the last step all together. Instead, allow the Gulash gravy to reduce uncovered for 10 minutes over low heat. The naturally occurring beef collagen will thicken the gravy effortlessly.

AJDE, LET’S EAT! Tag me on IG if you try it @balkanbasics


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