This salad and side dish combo is a fresh compliment to any meal or bright addition to your tea time spread. With no cooking required, this may be the quickest easiest dish ever!

Often prepared with ribbons of lettuce through the salad, I switched it up to make it fridge friendly. The lettuce ribbons tend to get soggy, so, I like to serve it IN crunchy lettuce leaves right when we’re ready to enjoy. Kisir will stay vibrant in the fridge for 2-3 days. Great for a snack, quick lunch, or side dish.

Bulgur is a whole grain, parboiled, cracked wheat with a light nutty flavor that absorbs dressings well. Since it’s parboiled, it only needs a quick soak to rehydrate and it’s ready to eat. You can find it at Mediterranean/Middle Eastern markets as well as in the international food aisle of most supermarkets.

Kisir Bulgur Salad


1 cup fine bulgur (cracked wheat)

3/4 boiling water

2 tbsp tomato paste

1/2 tsp salt

1 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp olive oil

1 c cucumbers (Persian or English), finely chopped

2 tomatoes, finely chopped

1/4 c scallions, thinly sliced

1/2 c parsley, finely chopped

Romain lettuce to serve


  • Place bulgur, tomato paste, salt in a heat proof bowl (preferably non-metallic). Pour hot water over bulgur. Mix and cover to allow bulgur to steam, no additional cooking required.

  • In the mean time, chop cucumbers, tomatoes, scallions and parsley.

  • Once the bulgur has cooled, add lemon juice and olive oil. Using the back of a wooden spoon, break up the bulgur in a circular motion. The goal is to “fluff” it up and separate the grains without clumps.

  • Add chopped cucumbers, tomatoes, scallions and parsley. Combine well. Adjust seasoning to taste.

  • Serve with crunchy lettuce leaves and additional lemon wedges.

Ajde, let’s eat! Tag me on IG if you try it @balkanbasics


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