Bougatsa Croissant

Buttery, flakey croissants filled with a subtly sweet semolina custard inspired by Greek Bougatsa. Crisp on the outside, creamy on the inside and pairs perfectly with a cup of coffee. A little dusting of powdered sugar is the finishing touch before enjoying for breakfast, brunch, snack or light dessert.

Traditional (Thessaloniki-style) Bougatsa pastry is buttered phyllo dough with stuffed with semolina custard and dusted with powdered sugar or cinnamon. I’ve taken all the same flavors and stuffed them into a croissant for the easiest most elegant brunch pastry ever!

Easy Steps:

•Prepare filling

•Stuff croissants

•Brush with melted butter



Bougatsa Custard

Fine semolina is used to thicken the custard. Semolina is available at ethnic grocers as well as supermarkets in the cereal aisle often labelled “farina”.

•Whisk constantly after the addition of semolina for the best creamy texture.

•Egg yolk is used for thickening and adding richness. If you don’t want to keep an extra egg white in the fridge, the whole egg can be used as well but final texture will be slightly different.

•Vanilla is the main flavor in this subtly sweet custard, so use the best quality available.

•Lemon zest is traditional and brightens the custard flavor. It is optional though in case you don’t have lemons on hand or don’t particularly like lemon flavor.

•Custard filling can be prepared one day in advance. Once cooled to room temperature refrigerate covered until ready to assemble.


•Definitely choose “all butter” croissants if they are available at your local market. The flavor and texture is closer to bakery quality than margarine based versions.

•This recipe is a perfect way to revive croissants from a day or two ago. The filling keeps the inside moist while the exterior crisps up nicely.

•Mini croissants are a great option to feed a large crowd or when you prefer smaller portions.

•You can definitely make homemade croissants but store-bought ones are a convenient shortcut.

BOUGATSA CROISSANT (4 large croissants)


1 1/2 c whole milk

6 tbs granulated sugar

1 egg yolk

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 c fine semolina (farina)

A pinch of salt

Zest of half a lemon (optional)

1/4 c butter, cold & cut into cubes

4 large croissants

1 tbsp unsalted butter, melted

1 tbsp powdered sugar

A pinch of ground cinnamon (optional)


  1. To make the custard, gently warm 1 c milk in a small pot. Do not boil.

  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the remaining 1/2 c milk, granulated sugar, egg yolk, vanilla, semolina, salt and lemon zest.

  3. Once milk is warm, stream in semolina mixture while whisking. Keep pot on gentle heat and continue whisking until mixture thickens.

  4. Remove from heat and add cubed cold butter. Whisk well to incorporate.

  5. Place plastic film over custard to prevent skin forming while it cools. Allow custard to cool to room temperature.

  6. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  7. Slice horizontally almost all the way through to open like a book.

  8. Add custard filling in an even layer on bottom half of croissant. I used a piping bag but a spoon will do the job.

  9. Close croissant without squishing custard filling. Brush top with melted butter.

  10. Bake for 12-15 minutes at 350 degrees.

  11. Cool a few minutes before dusting with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Best enjoyed warm.

AJDE, LET’S EAT! Tag me on IG if you try it @balkanbasics


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